The One

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Hey! Hey! Hey!

Happy New Week to you and Happy New Month as well!



Y’all know December officially marks the onset of the festive season and the parties are about to be unloaded in full swing! #ParteAfterParte


Today, I would like to celebrate a very special milestone… #SpreadTheGospel blog turns one!


Technically, the blog anniversary was in June but June is my birthday month so we cannot have two major events competing for attention.. lol!

Birthday Month

This post is a highlight reel of the much that has happened on the blog since the re-invention. Here’s a quick backstory; I started blogging in 2014 then I took a long hiatus till 2018 when the Lord “re-introduced” me to my own blog. Believe it or not, I had actually forgotten that I had a blog! Also, with the re-introduction came the re-branding. When I started my blog in 2014, I was mostly documenting my party life (hehehe!) but come 2018, I was born again and the Lord impressed it upon my heart to write about Christ. The tag line #SpreadTheGospel was then birthed!


I redesigned my blog and created social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where I share scriptures and promote the blog. There’s a lot that has happened in the past fifteen months or so and I am really grateful for the far that the Lord has brought us. I say “us” because you, dear reader, are the most important part of this blog. So, together, we have made it by God’s grace.

“…..’Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’
Says the Lord of hosts.”

Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV)

Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado; let me give you a run down of what took place this past year:


I now have 65 subscribers on my blog .. 🙂 If you’ve not subscribed to my blog, please do so 🙂

Also, I’ve had a total of 6,500 views as at today so another yaaaay! 🙂 We’re making progress!


The setting of some (perhaps most) of the articles I write is actually on foreign land. By God’s grace, I’ve travelled far and wide in the past few months. I’ve been to almost all the continents in the world save for Antarctica and South America. The countries range from South Korea to Italy to the United States of America and I am still counting! I had to get a new passport because the previous one was full. With my travel documents in tow, I am ready to rumble!

At the Statue of Liberty in New York, USA
Standing tall against the colossal backdrop of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy
At the train station in Seoul, South Korea


I got to meet some fantastic people in the past year and God used them to bless me in such a great way. I have received a lot of support from my friends; they allowed me to feature their testimonies, they some show me great hospitality when I travel to their countries, they condoled when I was mourning, visited me in hospital when I was ill,  came to bail me out when I was thrown in a cell (yes, this happened.. lol!) and generally, my circle rally up behind me and show their unwavering support. I speak a special blessing upon each and every person that God has placed in my life. A special thank you to you too dear reader, because without you… God would not have sent me. 🙂

WhatsApp Image 2019-06-28 at 10.03.15
The Fantastic Five! From left: Kevin Moran, (myself ), Valerie Stone, Cassie Hayward & Jim Cano. God really used these sweet individuals to uplift me when I was down
I met Lisa (right) in an aircraft and we clicked! She has a very special place in my heart ❤
Steve Ngunyi (left) is an avid supporter of my blog and he did a book review for me too.
From right: John Agboola, myself, Sheila Museve, Linda Oyanda & Beryl Mungla pose for a selfie on my birthday
Lamu Maundu (right) is pretty much a household name on the blog! He did the inaugural book review & has also been a guest writer

Mbuvi is a Kenyan Gospel musician & has been on my bandwagon ever since we met

There’s Victor Mugo, who always shares my posts on his account. God bless you Vic!

Victor and I after attending church service at Hillsong, New York-USA
Dr. Fiona Borus needs no (further) introduction! She’s my bestie & greatest promoter of the blog.

I may not enumerate each and every person’s contribution because there are several people God uses to keep me motivated. My Nigerian family, I love you! ❤ Church members, Bible study group… Everyone! You know yourselves so count yourself recognized! Your reward in heaven is great!


Some of you were kind enough to allow me to feature their stories on the blog for the propagation of the Gospel. I bless you in Jesus’ Name. When we testify, we glorify God! The world will come to know Christ when we testify of God’s goodness in our lives and we point people to Christ, the Messiah.

“….And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”

Revelation 12:11 (NKJV)

Kami Kionga shared her story of how God restored her identity after becoming a teen mom

I’ve written some funny stories, some sombre posts, and a few tear-jerking articles. What’s an interesting read if it doesn’t take you through the motions? The Bible itself is a roller coaster of emotions all packed into one!

Then there was the heart-breaker, Norah’s death…. [moment of silence]

Norah Borus Funeral Service

“You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

Psalm 139:16 (NLT)

Farewell Norah, see you in heaven. Your departure changed a lot of things in our lives but … God remains Supreme in ALL circumstances. Rest on. ❤


What is most fulfilling to me is the number of lives that God is touching through  this blog.

Two weeks ago, I attended a dinner and a lady walked up to me and told me, “I know you don’t know me but I read your blog and it really touches me. Keep writing.” I almost shed a tear.

giphy (1)

I must admit that it is not easy for me to be so vulnerable to you on the blog and open up my life to you in the manner that I do. Sometimes, I feel “exposed” but once I publish an article and I receive an inbox or a message telling me that my story touched a person or gave them hope or increased their faith or made them get born again…. It makes everything so worth it.

“I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.”

1 Corinthians 9:23 (NLT)

After all, my story is for God’s glory. In essence, my life is God’s story unraveling itself through me… To God be the honour.

“Bring all who claim me as their God,
for I have made them for my glory.
It was I who created them.”

Isaiah 43:7 (NLT)

Behind the scenes:

First, I admit that I need to improve on the consistency of my blog posts in terms of the frequency of my posting. In April this year, the whole month passed without me posting a single article 😦 However, I do pat myself on the back for the eleven months of churning out articles… 🙂

Consistency requires a lot of discipline, an area that I am still growing in. I really admire my close friend Val, who always posts her articles right on schedule and keeps up with her content calendar. If consistency was to be a person, it would definitely be Val! No hyperbole! Val is not only consistent with posting content on her blog but in all facets of her life; she hits the gym even when she’s not up for it, she keeps time (right down to the milli-second!), she writes down her goals and actually achieves sorry, I mean smashes glass ceilings. If you ask her the “secret” to this kind of stellar output, she beautifully yet simply coins it as being intentional.

Throwback picture of Val, Ms. Intentional 😉

Secondly, I intend to work on more content for my Book Reviews section so if you would like to contribute, slide into my DM 😉


Parting shot:

I thank God for His calling in my life. I am proud to be a Millenial Evangelist 😉 and I will keep writing for the glory of the Most High, by the grace that He bestows upon me.

Thank YOU for reading my articles, thank you for subscribing to the blog, thank you for following me on social media, thank you for your comments… Thank you. You are blessed!

“…Feels its gonna take forever
To exhaust my gratitude
But I’m not gonna stop
Till the whole world knows…”

 Lyrics (snippet) of “Grateful” by Frank Edwards x Don Moen



That Lady

7 responses to “The One”

  1. Japheth Odera Avatar
    Japheth Odera

    I would like to personally thank you for your commitment in changing lives.Its through Christ that we live, get protected and find solace in. You are a candle that will ignite an infinite number of candles(save lives)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Barbs Avatar

    Go babes 🙌🙌

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kenneth Lamu Avatar
    Kenneth Lamu

    Thank you and more serving grace upon you.


  4. Salvage the Saved – #SpreadTheGospel Avatar

    […] an introspection into December. Now, we all know the festivities are at an all time high during the last month of the year. All caution is thrown to the wind. A celebration is happening in literally every corner of the […]


  5. The Renaissance – #SpreadTheGospel Avatar

    […] handle transitions and my therapist is helping me navigate those waters. I always believed that the my people would remain mine; always and forever. Having gone through a painful separation with the death of […]


  6. A Story to Remember in September – #SpreadTheGospel Avatar

    […] You, God – You are the sweetest! One more person from West Africa is my great friend Nifesimi; who was ready with a warm hug and wide smile whenever we met. He too warmed my heart with a […]


  7. My Five in Christ – #SpreadTheGospel Avatar

    […] last five years of spreading the Gospel have been interesting to say the least. When commemorating my first blog-i-versary, I did mention that living your life as a letter worth reading is not easy. Especially when people […]


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